Gluten Free Continuum...

I just saw this on a friend's Facebook wall:
Gluten-Free People Actually Have No Idea What Gluten Is

I suppose dieting is more to do than to think. :-p 
Granted it's only 3 people but it was funny.

So at the end of the video, I stumbled upon another video, a real dull but quite informative one (I wonder sometimes if all informative lectures have to be so monotone.) 

It quoted some newly found research on 'gluten' and explained the term 'gluten sensitivity' (people who are sensitive to gluten either due to immune system or body intolerance) and that celiac disease is one type of cases of gluten caused disease. 

The lecture is approximately 40-minute long but I stopped paying much attention 30minute in because it started listing associated diseases that gluten might cause. It also started bashing on all the modern problem of grain agriculture (pesticides) and other nutrient problems of grains. So it wasn't really about "gluten" anymore. 
It basically led to a conclusion of Paleo Diet <- no grain, dairy, or any other agricultural products. The episode is done by clinical nutritionist Dr. Peter Osborne who himself is a big "gluten-free" supporter and I think he does follow Paleo diet? 

Anyway, I'd still keep on eating my cake and custards...I suppose I am betting money on the future of medical capability over gluten damage done on tissue (clone me already).  Or perhaps a robotic bionic body, then I'd really get to eat whatever I like. 
